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347 Хладно ваљани котур од нерђајућег челика

347 Хладно ваљани котур од нерђајућег челика

Our 347 cold-rolled stainless steel coils undergo strict quality control and precision processing to ensure consistent quality and performance in every coil. Whether you need roll, sheet or custom-sized products, we can meet your needs.

Choosing Hxiao Metal as your 347 cold rolled stainless steel coil supplier means choosing reliability, quality and professionalism. We look forward to working with you to start a successful journey together!

347 Cold Rolled Stainless Steel Coil  Supplier | Manufacturer | Exporter

Welcome to Hxiao Metal, your reliable 347 cold rolled stainless steel coil supplier, manufacturer, and exporter! As a leader in metal manufacturing and exporting, we are committed to providing the highest quality stainless steel coil products to our customers across the globe.

At Hxiao Metal, we are proud of our 347 cold-rolled stainless steel coil, a material that excels in a variety of applications. Stainless steel 347 is a stable austenitic stainless steel with excellent heat resistance and corrosion resistance. It is especially suitable for applications in high-temperature environments, such as refineries, chemical plants, and high-temperature heat treatment equipment.

топло ваљани материјал од нерђајућег челика

Huaxiao Capacity about cold rolled 347 stainless steel coil

Дебљина0.2 мм – 3.0 мм, итд. Може се прилагодити према захтевима купаца.
Ширина600мм - 1500мм, може се прилагодити према захтевима купаца.
Максимална тежина завојнице10 МТ, може се прилагодити према захтевима купаца.
калем ИД508 мм и 610 мм, може се прилагодити према захтевима купаца.
завршити2Б, 2Д, БА, ХЛ, бр. 4, огледало итд.
стандардЈИС, АСТМ, АИСИ, ГБ, ЕН, ДИН
МлинТИСЦО, БаоСтеел, Ионгјин, Тингсхан Бранд, итд.

If you are interested in our 347 stainless steel coils or have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our sales team. We will provide detailed product information, customized suggestions, and quotations.

Description Of Cold Rolled 347 Stainless Steel Coil

Designed for applications requiring superior heat and corrosion resistance, our 347 stainless steel coils provide unparalleled reliability even in the most demanding environments. Whether you’re in petrochemicals, chemical processing, or high-temperature thermal processing, our coils deliver consistent performance to keep your operation running smoothly and efficiently.

At Huaxiao Metal, we prioritize excellence in all aspects of the manufacturing process. Each coil undergoes a rigorous cold rolling process to obtain a product with uniform thickness, excellent surface finish, and excellent mechanical properties. Our commitment to quality extends beyond production, we also provide comprehensive technical support and personalized service to meet your specific requirements.

Лист са подацима о хладно ваљаном колуту од нерђајућег челика 347

Еквивалентан материјал плоче од нерђајућег челика 347

  • АСТМ А240 / АСМЕ СА240
  • УНС С34700
  • ЕН Број: Кс6ЦрНиНб18-10
  • Кина ГБ: 0Цр18Ни10Ти
  • Јапански ЈИС: СУС 347
  • ВЕРКСТОФФ НР.: 1.4550

347 Хемијски састав плоче од нерђајућег челика (%)


Механичка својства

Тачка топљењаЗатезна чврстоћаСнага приноса (0.2% офсет)Издужење
1454 ° Ц (2650 ° Ф)Пси – 75000, МПа – 515Пси – 30000, МПа – 205КСНУМКС%

Физичка својства

ГустинаТачка топљењаСпецифични топлотни капацитетТоплотна проводљивостТермално ширењеМодул еластичности (Јангов модул)
Приближно 7.96 грама по кубном центиметру (г/цм³)Приближно 1,395-1,450 степени Целзијуса (°Ц)Приближно 500 џула по килограм-келвину (Ј/кг·К)Приближно 14.6 до 16.3 вати по метру-келвину (В/м·К)16.0 до 17.3 к 10^-6 по степену Целзијуса (°Ц)Приближно 200 гигапаскала (ГПа)

Application of 347  Cold Rolld Stainless Steel Coil:

  1. Хемијска обрада: 347 cold rolled stainless steel coil is widely used in chemical processing industries due to its excellent resistance to corrosion and high temperatures. It is employed in equipment such as reactors, tanks, and piping for the processing of acids, solvents, and other corrosive chemicals.
  2. Петрохемијска индустрија: In the petrochemical sector, 347 stainless steel coils find applications in refining equipment, heat exchangers, and storage tanks. Its resistance to sulfide stress cracking and corrosion makes it suitable for handling petroleum products and gases in harsh environments.
  3. Примене на високим температурама: The 347 stainless steel coil is favored for high-temperature applications, including heat exchangers, furnace parts, and thermal processing equipment. Its stabilized composition offers superior resistance to intergranular corrosion and oxidation at elevated temperatures.
  4. Aerospace and Aircraft Components: Due to its excellent mechanical properties and resistance to oxidation, 347 stainless steel coil is utilized in the aerospace industry for manufacturing aircraft components, such as exhaust systems, turbine blades, and structural elements.
  5. Хране: Stainless steel coils, including 347 grade, are commonly used in food processing equipment due to their hygienic properties, corrosion resistance, and ease of cleaning. They are employed in food storage, handling, and processing equipment such as conveyor systems, tanks, and food contact surfaces.
  6. Аутомобилска индустрија: 347 stainless steel coil is employed in various automotive applications where corrosion resistance and durability are essential, including exhaust systems, mufflers, and catalytic converters.
  7. Медицинска опрема: Stainless steel coils are utilized in the manufacturing of medical devices and equipment due to their biocompatibility, stabilizability, and resistance to corrosion. In medical applications, 347 stainless steel coils may be used in surgical instruments, orthopedic implants, and medical instruments.

These are just a few examples of the diverse applications of 347 cold rolled stainless steel coil, showcasing its versatility and reliability across various industries and sectors.

Package of Cold Rolled 347  Stainless Steel Coil:

Хуакиао нерђајући челик и метал обезбеђују најбољи квалитет паковања јер игра важну улогу у међународном транспорту, посебно када роба стигне на крајњу дестинацију разним каналима, посебну пажњу посвећујемо паковању.

Своју робу пакујемо на различите начине у зависности од производа. Наше производе пакујемо на различите начине, као што су:–

• Кутије и сандуке
• Скупљајућа амбалажа
• Папир кутија
• Дрвене палете
• дрвена кутија
• дрвена кутија

If you are interested in our cold rolled 347 stainless steel coils or have any questions, please get in touch with our sales team. We will provide detailed product information, customized suggestions, and quotations.


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